Youth and purity

TOGO Baptist Churchs National Youth Conference

Edition 2023

the third edition of the National Baptist Youth conference is taking place in August 2022 , on the theme Youth and Purity. about 3000 youths are waiting for you in Kpalimé - Plateau Region.
2023.08.14(MON) ~ 17(THU) @CRETEFP-Kpalimé-TOGO

Main Program

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Listen to the speakers from various countries about the message of youth and purity

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Appreciate various prestation from churchs choirs and musical groups and scketches base on the theme of the conference

lecure program icon Forum

Have a time to share your thoughts and opinions with youth teams and learn from experienced pastors on differents fiels of youth live

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try to create a schedule your differents goal and sort out a plan to achieve them based on differents lessons received during lectures

lecure program icon Cc Ignite

Get opportunities to network with other youth from all region with whome you share the same religious convictions

Featured Speakers

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Yochai Benkler Berkman Professor of Rntrepreneurial Legal Studies at Harvard Law School

Benkler studies commons-based peer productions, and published his seminal book The Wealth of Network in 2006.

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SohYeong Noh Director of Art Centre Nabi and a board member of CC Korea

As the main venue for new media art production in Korea, Nabi promotes cross-disciplinary collaboration and understanding among science technology, humanities, and the arts.
